Brad Binder

Brad Binder
I have 22+ years of residential mortgage lending experience:
I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. Witnessing the
consumer experience and its chaotic processes,
I was determined to find a better way.


Direct exposure to real estate agents and lenders “collaborating”
has ALWAYS raised my hackles. The spirit of the law is consistently
broken — the customer is the one suffering higher rates and costs.
I became determined to find a better way. The process of brown-
nosing real estate agents to get “at-bats” with their clients is
flat-out embarrassing. I was determined to find a better way.


And after two years of 100% commitment and dedication —
a better way I have found!


AskLocal evolved to empower the best, most high-minded real
estate agents and vendors while offering clients a much less
stressful experience. By eliminating middlemen ubiquitous
throughout the industry, and honing a streamlined and accessible
tech stack, everyone benefits from reduced costs and complexities.
Closing the loop, we partner with verified local vendors and
businesses that serve the client, not the conglomerate.


Our vision is, and will always be: the buying and selling
client comes first.


We create cheaper and easier access for all. More people can
share in the American dream.


And the hardworking pros in this business are never left behind!

I’m thrilled to be building a team of industry experts, watching innovation take hold rather than be trampled by the powers that be. It’s our opportunity to disrupt an industry desperately in need of exactly that.

I am ready to win with you — and AskLocal!
